You’re Never Too Old to Do Anything: My Journey to Becoming a Yoga Instructor at 55

In 2023, I turned 55. Like many milestone birthdays, it was a moment of reflection—an opportunity to think about where I’d been and where I still wanted to go. It’s easy to settle into routines, to tell ourselves that certain dreams have an expiration date, that we’ve “missed our chance.”

But I refused to believe that.

As the year began, I set out with a few personal goals, one of which felt particularly exciting (and maybe a little daunting): becoming a certified yoga instructor. Yoga had been a part of my life for years, but making the leap from student to teacher felt like a big step. Could I do it? Would I have the time, the energy, the discipline?

One voice inside me had doubts. But another, louder voice whispered: Why not?

So, I took a deep breath and leapt. And on December 22nd, with the support of my family, my dear friends, and my incredible classmates, I DID IT! I officially became a certified yoga instructor.

Creating My Zen Den: A Dream Realized

Throughout my journey, I was surrounded by love and encouragement. My husband, Bill, transformed part of our basement into a peaceful sanctuary—a space to practice, reflect, and grow. My daughters, Kiera and Greta, fully embraced my new path, giving me the name "SuZen" (how perfect is that?!). My friends, who cheered me on every step of the way, helped outfit my Zen Den with thoughtful gifts, making it a sacred space where I could truly embrace this new chapter.

None of this would have been possible without the people who believed in me. But more importantly, it wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t believed in myself.

A Powerful Reminder from the Past

One of the most profound moments of this journey came not from a yoga class, but from a simple note—a message my daughter Greta wrote over 15 years ago, in her sweet childhood handwriting:

"Your never to old to do enything."

The words weren’t spelled perfectly, but their wisdom was flawless.

Whenever doubt crept in, whenever I questioned whether it was too late to start something new, I would glance at that note. It became a daily mantra, a reminder that age is not a barrier—only fear is.

Embracing My Authentic Self

2023 wasn’t just about achieving a certification—it was a year of transformation. I embraced my curls, my curves, my confidence. I stopped holding myself to outdated expectations and started celebrating the person I am today. Yoga has taught me to appreciate my body for its strength, its flexibility, and its resilience—not just how it looks, but what it can do.

And you know what? That mindset is freeing.

Chasing Dreams at Any Age

So many of us put our dreams on hold, telling ourselves that "someday" we’ll get to them. But what if someday is today? What if the right time is now?

If something has been tugging at your heart—a new career, a creative passion, a bold adventure—don't let doubt hold you back. Take the first step. Enroll in that class. Pick up that paintbrush. Lace up those running shoes. Whatever it is, go for it.

Because the truth is, “YOUR NEVER TO OLD TO DO ENYTHING.”

Here’s to chasing dreams, defying limits, and stepping boldly into every new adventure.


The Power of the Present Moment: Embracing Mindfulness in Everyday Life